Monday, 31 July 2017

Love Toys

Love Sign Wallpapers:

Love Sign Wallpapers, Pictures, Snaps, Photo........

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Lovely Status for Whatsapp:

1. Without you, I am nothing. With you, I am something. Together we are Everything.
2. A person who loves you truly will never let you go whatever the situation is.
3. Love is when you look into someones eyes and see everything you need.
4. Love is cute when it’s new, but love is most beautiful when it last.
5. I will be yours, you will be mine and together we will be one love Love isn’t complicated, people   


6. Never trust your heart because it’s on the right side.
7. No matter how 'Busy' a person is... if they really love, they will always find the time for you!
8. Love is like a Air ..We can't see it but! we can feel it.
9. Love in Life, make the life beautiful...
10. My 'heart' is always your!
11. In love Never say Sorry!
12. Love is that, which can never explained.

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